Friday, December 9, 2011

Knock Down Drag Out

This is a little film that some friends and I are trying to produce early next year. Our production begins the second week of January, and we hope to have the film completed by the end of March. We are looking to get it into some festivals, and use it as a jump start for our ever-flourishing film careers...

Take a look, and if you feel like throwing a couple bucks at us for funding, we wouldn't be opposed. :)

Friday, July 1, 2011

"The Finale"

This here is a little film I helped shoot for Salt Lake City's 48 Hour Film Project. It was a great project and we had a really great, talented team. We drew the genre "Period Piece" and had to incorporate a specific prop (toilet paper), character (Miles Madigan, a magician), and line ("What were you thinking?"). We wrote, shot, and edited this whole thing between June 17th and June 19th.

The film won "Best Writing". Enjoy!

Monday, March 14, 2011

A Trip to the Zoo

Fun day at the zoo with our niece and nephew.

Had a good day practicing some "run and gun" with the T2i. That kid is hard to keep up with sometimes!

The music belongs to Green Day and Foo Fighters, respectively.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Grandpa's Horse

Caden loves him some horses. That and wreaking havoc indoors. He loves both in equal parts.

Shot on a Canon T2i, edited and color graded in Adobe Premiere.

Music featured from "Pickin' on Led Zeppelin".

Friday, March 4, 2011

Windy Day

Another test run with the T2i. Some weird color grading. Learning the ropes.

Butch Walker, thank you for this quiet, beautiful music.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Just Another Day in Suburbia...

I got bored again today, and decided to take some pictures of the houses and mountains behind our place. A barbwire fence prevented me from getting closer, so I made do the best I could. I color graded these in Photoshop.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

My Neighbors

Just a little video of my neighbors around the corner.

This little gem is some initial test footage with my new camera. It is a Canon T2i, a piece of equipment that, considering its main use is still photography, takes very nice video. The controls are all manual in video mode, which takes getting used to. So this video is far from perfection, but I'm in learning phase right now with the camera. I color graded these shots a bit, and not all entirely the same, so if you notice changes between the shots, you are not going crazy. The song belongs to John Mayer, and whoever he dealt with while recording... Either way, it ain't mine.

I also took a few pictures of the horses, you know, to let the machine fulfill the measure of its creation. It takes wonderful pictures, or I could say I take wonderful pictures... Truth be told, any goodness in these photographs has nothing to do with me. It does have to do with great characters and the camera. I color graded them in Photoshop as well, so the style changes depending on the picture. I had a fun day experimenting with my new toy, and I will be continuing this process as often as I can. Practice makes perfect, after all...

Monday, January 10, 2011

2010 Demo Reel

Here is a small sample of the video work I've produced this last year. Check it out!

Doug Goodwin 2010 Demo Reel from Doug Goodwin on Vimeo.

Credit to Ben Folds Five for the background jam. Thanks Ben and team.

Friday, January 7, 2011

2MCS: "Check your Totems, Dreamers" and "Truly Gritty"

Here's the long overdue reigniting of the "2 Minute Cinema Scoop". A couple reviews are included. So listen to both, because I want the hits.

Interested in Inception? I know I am...

A remake/re-imagining/re-adaptation/whatever you want to call it can always be scary, especially when a John Wayne flick is involved. Does "True Grit" pass the test? Listen up, corn nubbins, and I'll tell ya. One humble man's opinion coming right up...

Gunman Credits

I took an After Effects class last semester, and our final assignment was to create a credit sequence of some kind for a movie or TV show. It didn't have to actually exist, and I was listening to Them Crooked Vultures a lot at the time. So I created "Gunman", based on their song of the same name. Take a look.

Gunman Credit Sequence from Doug Goodwin on Vimeo.

Madison HS Mock Attack

This is a little documentary we created concerning a controversial mock terrorist attack put on by the Madison County Sheriff's Department in Idaho. Interesting story. Take a look if you have 17 minutes to spare.

Production credits also belong to Janice Frye, Tyler Hardy, Bethany Lawrence and Lars Lindstrom.

Madison HS Mock Attack from Doug Goodwin on Vimeo.

A Drama of Neglect - Doritos Ad

So we created some ads for this years "Crash the Superbowl" contest sponsored by Doritos and Pepsi Max. This is the one I edited/produced. Thanks to Joe Lindsay for the camera work. We didn't make it into the finalist round, but hey, it was still a quality video, so check it out!

A Drama of Neglect from Doug Goodwin on Vimeo.

Here is the link to another, I didn't really do much production-wise here, but I do make a nice cameo in the vid...

Get Some More

Shark Brown

This is "Shark Brown", the pilot episode in its entirety. If you are into suspense, intrigue, humor, apple juice, gum, corruption, etc, then check it out!

Shark Brown from Doug Goodwin on Vimeo.

For all the information you ever wanted to know about the production, check this little site out...